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For years, Ableton has lacked a simple, and concise device purely for transmitting MIDI around your project. It’s been achieved before, but only as a secondary side effect of plugins such as Depths by mat1jaczyyy, but that wasn’t its sole purpose. Portal aims to bring you the simplest way of moving MIDI around your Ableton live set with as little code as possible. This makes making Multiple Launchpad projects a breeze, bringing the total amount of light tracks needed down by a whole square root. Thankyou to R0ad!e for help developing this for multi Launchpad projects. The device comes in two parts, a transmitter, and a receiver. Be sure to use them both for the best experience.

The simplest way to transmit MIDI around your Ableton Live set.


This plugin is very simple to set up. It does require you to have Max For Live installed, which is automatically installed if you have Live 10 Suite or Trial. Just insert the plugin after a MIDI effect or at the end of a track, set the ID channels to be the same, and place the receiver somewhere else in your project.

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- MIDI Portal introduced